About us


SINIKA UTHANDO- love from the father’s heart

The need: The South African Society is challenged with a rapidly unstable socio-economic climate and morally corrupt lifestyle.  These factors influence the family unit, the core of society, thus destroying the relationships which are the foundations of a functioning society.  This increasing pressure has created further problems such as divorce, abuse, domestic violence, alcohol/drug abuse and other violent crimes further contributing to other social problems. There is a desperate need for upright and strong role-models to children and communities.

The Sinika-Uthando counselling centre, successfully operating since 2003, was founded with a dual purpose of assisting government and community structures already in place. We are a non-government organization that operates a place of refuge for victims of crime, domestic and sexual abuse, aids, and other socio-economic problems facilitating restoration and healing. We also provide technical and social skills, rehabilitation of drug addicts, alcohol addictions, prostitutes, gamblers and street children, so helping to reintegrate them back into society restored and whole.

We choose to empower the victims through godly counsel, technical and social skills. We work closely with religious organisations, government and community structures to fulfil this vision.

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